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20 Years of Buffy: Fan Event Set to Slay SDCC

Twenty years later, Buffy fans can still sink their teeth into San Diego Comic Con

It’s been twenty years since Buffy the Vampire Slayer became an icon and cultural phenomenal. The milestone anniversary has reignited a love in fans and even introduced new fans to the vampire slaying world. In order to celebrate the festivities, San Diego Comic Con and Twentieth Century Fox are hosting the Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 20 Years of Slaying Fan Event.

The best part about the event? Fans not attending SDCC you can still be part of the action. The event will be live-streamed, in part, on the Buffy Facebook page here. (It’s an official page so no need to worry).  The “Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 20 Years of Slaying” fan event will be held Saturday, July 22 from 6-9 pm at Side Bar. New and old fans alike who would like to attend can register on the Buffy Facebook page mentioned above.

Looking for some cool things to do at the event?  There will be a Buffy tabletop board game competition. How cool is that? Fans will be able to color and create their own Buffy art for a digital mosaic of #BuffySlays20, and participate in decorating wall-sized Buffy coloring book pages from Dark Horse Comics.

Attending the event will not only be an insane trip of nostalgia, fans may even score some serious swag as well. There will be trivia, cosplay contests, and giveaways. Need a bonus reason to attend the event? The Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Complete Series 20th Anniversary Edition DVD Boxed Set will be available for pre-order.


The “Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 20 Years of Slaying” fan event will be held Saturday, July 22 from 6-9 pm at Side Bar. 

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About The Author
Faith Bektas
Currently residing in New York, Faith is a fan of any and all things television. After going to school for Media Arts, she gained a whole new appreciation for the work done behind the camera. (It's insane just how many things go into the pre-production of a show!) She loves shows with clever, witty, and thoughtful writing. (Let her know if you have recommendations!)
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