Did “Never My Love” give Outlander fans the finale they desired? Our fan roundtable sounds off!
“Never My Love” brings us to Droughtlander again, but before it goes it brought with it an emotional and controversial finale. The finale jumps right in with Claire (Caitriona Balfe) after she’s been kidnapped. There are significant time jumps here, from when she was just taken to when she’s tied to a tree that same night. As Claire is confused, so are we. These brutal scenes of her suffering after her abduction are interspersed with Claire imagining herself in the late 60’s with her family in a highly atmospheric dream state. When Claire dissociates, we go with her. We also meet Wendigo Donner (Brennan Martin) among the abductors. When he asks her if she knows Ringo Starr, we recognize him as a fellow time traveller. Watch this space.
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Remember that Bree (Sophie Skelton) & Roger ((Richard Rankin) cliffhanger? Turns out they were thinking of home and the stones spit them right back out where they came from. Fortunately that means Roger can join in the search for Claire, and he does. The rescue of Claire doesn’t pull any punches either. Jamie (Sam Heughan) and his men slaughter them, though some are left alive. But when he realizes the extent of her abuse he orders his men to kill them all with the exception of Lionel Brown (Ned Dennehy) who they take back to the Ridge.
Claire does the best she can adjusting to life after a massive trauma, but scenes with Brianna bathing her and Lionel Brown begging for his life and taunting her along with her subsequent breakdown are difficult. Not quite as difficult for Marsali (Lauren Lyle), however. When Claire leaves, she’s had just about enough of Lionel Brown, and instead of the medicine she’s supposed to inject him with, she gives him hemlock right in the throat. She has a minor freak out about it afterwards, but Jamie is there to reassure her.
Jamie returns Lionel Brown’s body back to Brownsville. At first his brother didn’t seem too broken up, but then he issues Jamie a veiled threat. Looks like the Browns may continue to be a problem. Back on the Ridge life slowly gets back to normal and Claire heals. And as the screen fades to black, the Outlander theme plays in a single unaccompanied vocal line.
Let’s hear what the fans had to say.
Radha (@Baaderlander) – Talk Outlander to me on Twitter!
J. La’Shay (@Endurance97) – Languishing during the era of the corona virus. Trying to avoid ANOTHER re-read of the Outlander series and adjacents. Hoping Diana Galbadon has pity on us and releases BEES to help us get by. No spoilers will be shared, but remember, I know what comes next…
Lynsey (@itslynseyj) – Full time writer, part-time Outlander fangirl with Claire hair. (Give me Book 9 already!)
Meg (@Somm_Bitch) – I’m all about wine, Broadway and select TV fandoms (I write a lot about Arrowverse, Gilmore Girls, West Wing and Buffy). I’ve read the Outlander series at least 4 or 5 times in its entirety.
Emily Susan (@beyondthestack1) – Thirty-something bookworm hiding in the corner with a big stack of books and a cuppa.

1. This is a surprise. What did you think of the dream flash forwards to the 60’s?
Radha (@Baaderlander) – These were incredibly rich. So intricate and symbolic on many levels. Right away we get that it’s a fantasy, an ideal Claire builds piece by piece using all her senses to escape from her captors – the record, a painting of the big house at the ridge, the vase from the shop in Inverness, Jamie, her family. A beautiful way to imagine an alternate reality where they’re safe and happy and slightly different – Murtagh is alive, Jocasta can see, Fergus has both hands, Ian is a contemporary soldier, not a Mohawk warrior. It’s not a perfect escape – the dripping ceiling, the intrusion of some of her captors/rapists as they are (Lionel Brown) or in characters (the policemen) who bring bad news. But it also has some tools to help her protect innermost self – Jamie and his plaid – and remember what she’s survived and who she is – the orange, the rabbit.
J. La’Shay (@Endurance97) – First, I’d like to stress that I think the actors did an excellent job, especially Caitriona Balfe. This was a difficult episode – a horrible topic and storyline – so my answer is in no way meant to sleight the actors. That being said, I did not like the way Claire disassociated during her capture. I think it’s realistic that victims would do this – I am not upset at the method, per se. I’m more upset because there is only one time in the books where we see the possibility of Jamie being in the future and that’s during the ghost scene way back in Season 1, Episode 1, Book 1. Jamie and the family, outside of the time travelers, don’t travel to the future, aren’t capable of traveling to the future, probably can’t even picture the things Claire, Roger and Bree try to explain to them. So I was not happy to see them there in this episode. Furthermore, I don’t think it’s true to Claire’s character to disassociate during her assaults. Claire thinks, fights and generally makes her kidnappers sorry they grabbed her at all. She’s trying to survive and not asphyxiate. Also, at this point in the books, Claire has begun to recognize the historic time that she is in with Jamie as “her time”, as opposed to the future being “her time,” meaning she feels that she belongs here, she feels more connected to this time as opposed to the time in which she was born. So, I’m not sure she’d immediately retreat to the future in her mind, even in this trying situation.
Lynsey (@itslynseyj) – OMG, I loved this SO MUCH. I don’t always like the way they bring the future into the episode–like the silent movie treatment a few episodes ago, no thanks!–but this worked so well. It was the perfect dreamlike mix of an alternate Outlander universe and callbacks from previous moments in Claire’s life. I think putting us in Claire’s mind as she was enduring such trauma made it even more impactful.
Meg (@Somm_Bitch) – Wow, this was a surprise! Aesthetically it was nice, and emotionally I appreciated the break from what was happening. Seeing everyone (Murtagh was back!) in the 60’s was fun, I really hope they did a full photo shoot they’re going to release of everyone. BUT, I also felt sad that her safe place in her head took everyone out of her time. I get it, the 18th century is rough and it’s been violent for her and her family, but I would have liked her safe place to be back in Scotland with Jenny and Ian, for example. I felt bad that she was dreaming for the thing she’d never have. Then again, the police coming to the door to tell about Roger and Bree, I guess that was her brain reminding her that every century is dangerous? Or just the idea that she’d never see them again? I’m not sure.
Emily Susan (@beyondthestack1) – I am obsessed with this dream sequence. It’s so layered with easter eggs. Little touches like the wallpaper, the rabbit, and the orange to name a few are nods to her real life. Yet, the changes like Jocasta being able to see and Fergus having both hands were excellent additions. I loved seeing them all in modern garb. Oh, and Jamie wearing his Highlander wardrobe and dancing with sixties style Claire was such a beautiful picture. It definitely love that they took a risk doing the episode this way.

2. These assault scenes were even worse than we pictured. What about you?
Radha (@Baaderlander) – Horrendous. So violent, so unnecessary. I hate this part of the novel and I’m sorry it was included in the show.
J. La’Shay (@Endurance97) – I hate this entire episode in the books. I think it’s unnecessary – even if Claire is kidnapped, the sexual assault is just not necessary. I still feel the same way watching the episode.
Lynsey (@itslynseyj) – It was awful. The book’s descriptions of these assault scenes are pretty brutal as well, so I went into this episode knowing what was coming for Claire. Whew, it was hard to watch. I cried A TON this episode. (Someone give Caitriona an Emmy already!)
Meg (@Somm_Bitch) – I really hoped they’d keep it like they did Bree’s, they were really hard to watch. As an actress myself, I can’t imagine portraying the character in that moment the way Claire did, that was outstanding work on her part; I just really could have done with less.
Emily Susan (@beyondthestack1) – This is subject matter that is incredibly difficult to watch. I knew it was coming from the books but the viciousness of it took my breath away.

3. Roger and Bree didn’t go! Are you shocked? Vindicated because you knew it all the time? And what did you think of their decision? Tell us about it!
Radha (@Baaderlander) – This was a surprise to me, but I think a smart decision to avoid detouring the MacKenzies to the future in favor of moving on with the Revolutionary War story next season.
J. La’Shay (@Endurance97) – ::sigh:: I can’t say I’m surprised. I just don’t understand why both Roger and Bree are so blasé about it. Roger has been chomping to take Bree and go back to the future since he first arrived in the past. I blame the writers and whoever decided to fast track this storyline. In the books there’s a very pressing reason for the family to return to the future. That reason, and therefore URGENCY, has been removed. And now everyone is all, “Ho hum … oh well we came back here, this must be home, now,” – NO! That’s not what is supposed to happen. It negates most of the URGENCY they were trying to convey throughout *last week’s* episode, too, which makes last week’s episode, essentially, a wasted episode. I didn’t like this change in the storyline at all. It doesn’t hold true story wise or character wise.
Lynsey (@itslynseyj) – I wasn’t shocked, but I was relieved! It felt too soon for them to leave that world. I had a feeling with the way the last episode left off that they hadn’t traveled as far as they intended. They absolutely needed to be there for this episode. It’s seemed like they’ve spent all this time feeling like strangers in the past, so it was satifsying for them to finally feel at home.
Meg (@Somm_Bitch) – I was frustrated they were going back in this season because that doesn’t track with the books in too big of a way. I also remembered that Bree and Roger were there for Claire when this happened and it was important to me- so I was glad it didn’t work, but… I need an explanation as to why to move past it. Ultimately, I’m glad they didn’t go, but it seems like a weird storyline to put in there. Also, maybe it’s just the drama that greeted them at the Ridge, but Roger seems awfully ok with it.
Emily Susan (@beyondthestack1) – I was not surprised at all that they didn’t go. I honestly thought the rocks would have them come out somewhere closer to the Ridge by the way they reacted. I do wonder where they were in the time we saw them disappear? It’s something I always wonder when anyone time travels in this universe. I did feel that it sort of took away from the last episode in a sense. All the pain of them leaving seems kind of pointless. Maybe it was to show how much home had become that time for Roger and Bree but it wasn’t my favorite choice. Side Note: My question is why in Claire’s “happy place” did it have Bree, Roger, and Jemmy die in an accident. Was it connected to her thinking they had left for good and were in a sense “dead,” to her? I’d be interested to hear others thoughts on that.

4. This rescue was pretty intense. What were your thoughts?
Radha (@Baaderlander) – Well done. Ian was the most captivating – a capable and deadly man with his own style of fighting. But also a loving person who is visibly pained to see his Auntie Claire in her state. The look on both Ian’s and Fergus’s faces in that moment before Jamie tells them to “kill them all” hurt so much.
J. La’Shay (@Endurance97) – I think it should have been even more intense. I expected to see Beserker Jamie. I read this scene and I expected to see blood everywhere, her family members and the Ridge men highly offended that the kidnappers dared to come upon their land and take their founder’s wife. I expected to hear drums, a Mohawk war cry and Highland war cries – and I expected to see the kidnappers scared sh*tless trying to figure out what was happening, where the attack was gonna come from and how they could escape it. I expected to see a shirtless and blood covered Jamie come to Claire so far gone that he could only speak in Gaelic for the first minute. He doesn’t tell Claire that she is well and whole. He asks if she’s well and whole. I expected to see Jamie somehow recognize the scent of semen on Claire and (I know that Sam Heughan could have pulled it off) and then utter, “Kill them all,” with much more feeling and vehemence. The Ridge men were so casual. Even Roger’s declaration that he would go with them to rescue Claire made no sense. Roger and Claire have their own relationship that is established from the moment in Season 2, Book 2, that Roger tells Claire that he believes her. Yes, Roger is Jamie’s right hand, but Claire is essentially Roger’s mother figure. And let me point out here that the indifference of the showrunners, producers and writers is blatant here, because in Episode 8, “Famous Last Words” – Ian buries his hatchet and presumably buries his life with the Mohawk. In this episode, he dresses as a Mohawk and reassumes their war methods. This is what upset me about Episode 8 and it upsets me now. It’s evident to me that the writers don’t understand the characters and relationships and apparently don’t care to. They did not take the time to develop them over this season. They didn’t introduce us to the settlers of Fraser’s Ridge and that is unforgiveable, because the characters and relationships are at the heart of The Fiery Cross and they are what fuel the intensity of this scene. And all of it was missing.
Lynsey (@itslynseyj) – This part made me cry, too. I was just so glad we weren’t forced to wait all episode for them to arrive, or worse, have a cliffhanger for Droughtlander! The love those men of Fraser’s Ridge have for Claire really got to me. I just wanted her alive and well and her abusers got what was coming for them.
Meg (@Somm_Bitch) – Again, in the book, the way they describe it with the drums building the suspense… I just thought it was cinematic. It was disappointing they didn’t do any of that in the show, I thought it would have been amazing.That said, the fact that they didn’t have music underscoring the battle, meaning the juxtaposition of her escape with Never My Love playing, was intense. The way that Claire could only see snippets, unclear was was happening, not even trying to move, just laying there in shock as Jamie called out for her. “You are alive. You are whole,”- That broke me. Then, “How many?” “I don’t know.” “Kill them all.” Ian prepping with his war paint and shaving his head was the most incredible moment of the show.
Emily Susan (@beyondthestack1) – The rescue was pretty brutal. We finally see Ian in action and Roger takes his first life. It was incredible to see how tender Jamie can be when he rescues Claire but the vengeance he is capable of as well.

5. MARSALI! What was your first thought, and then tell us what you thought during the scene with Jamie?
Radha (@Baaderlander) – What a gem this character has turned out to be. I was shocked but completely on Marsali’s side for killing Lionel Brown. She reminds us that the attack and the aftermath was traumatic for everyone. And even though women probably wouldn’t go to hunt and fight the Brown group, someone like Marsali would still want revenge on behalf of herself and her family and would take it, given the chance. But her scene afterwards with Jamie – “Will he haunt me? Am I going to Hell?” – broke my heart.
J. La’Shay (@Endurance97) – Like other show fans, I love Lauren Lyle and I do love the writing for Marsali. But I didn’t buy the use of the syringe – a pillow would have sufficed – and I didn’t think they wrote enough of a motivation for her to outright kill him. In the books, it’s Murdina Bug who smothers Lionel Brown, and when we eventually learn why (the shortened version and the entire truth of it) – it makes SO much sense. This didn’t, in my opinion.
Lynsey (@itslynseyj) – GOOD RIDDANCE, LIONEL! That’s what I thought. Poor girl. She suffered as well, and I couldn’t blame her one bit for what she was doing. That man was an abuser through and through. He would’ve never stopped.
Meg (@Somm_Bitch) – It felt VERY Marsali to me, actually. She’s a Mama Bear protecting her cubs. She’s a practical woman and loves Claire like a mom. She’s a healer and a caregiver and wants to help heal Claire, and given her upbringing, believes this is a good way to do that. Vengeance isn’t an ugly word, it’s righteous. But I can understand that actually following through on those beliefs is harder to reconcile- especially when the reality of any ramifications in terms of revenge the Browns may take on them for what she’s done, that’s a more difficult thing. I would have liked a little more tenderness from Jamie to her, a hug maybe. But I get it, everyone is going through a lot.
Emily Susan (@beyondthestack1) – Marsali has been such a VIP this series. I love how she has become so protective and close with Claire. One of my favorite parts of the episode was seeing Bree, Marsali, and Claire embrace. I love seeing these incredibly strong women supporting one another.

6. There were so many things that are iconic to Outlander in this finale! Tell us which one resonated the most with you?
Radha (@Baaderlander) – I love Outlander when it draws on it’s own history. For me, the plaid was the most resonant. Claire and Jamie have used it to protect themselves and each other at multiple times in the past. It’s a symbol of Jamie’s heritage. It’s a symbol of home as Claire is wearing it when Jamie takes her to Craigh Na Dun to send her back and she returns asking him to take her home to Lallybroch. I think it purposely wasn’t present until the exact moment Claire needed the strength of their relationship the most. At first, Jamie wraps a plain blanket around Claire in the dream house but even that wasn’t enough and as she’s approached by her rapists, she swaps out the blanket for the plaid.
J. La’Shay (@Endurance97) – I’m sorry, there are iconic lines included in this episode, but I think the episode beyond the rescue is a garbled mess and entirely too rushed, so I don’t have an answer to this question.
Lynsey (@itslynseyj) – SO. MANY. THINGS. However, every moment featuring Claire wrapped in Jamie’s tartan got to me the most. It brought me back to the very beginning of it all, soon after they first met. And it’s so symbolic of his love for and protection of her. I think I need to go rewatch season one now…
Meg (@Somm_Bitch) – First off, Jamie in a kilt, you know whit got serious. All season we have seen him be a Laird, but seeing him as the War Chieftan, summoning his clan with a fiery cross to go to war- but not the war of the British with lines and charges- but the war of the clans in Scotland. It was messy and vicious and filled with fury. Also, sadly, it’s becoming iconic that there be a rape… I don’t love that.
Emily Susan (@beyondthestack1) – I really loved the final scene. I know it sounds perhaps odd but it just brought home for me How strong the bond is between Jamie and Claire. I love how they continue to save one another and are each others home. Her saying she felt safe and then it leading to the credits took my breath away. So simple and powerful. It brought light into such a dark episode.

7. We were breathless and didn’t even notice the lack of main title themes until that a cappella arrangement came in. Tell us what you thought, and tell us your overall thoughts on the season 5 finale!!
Radha (@Baaderlander) – The many meanings of the title song struck me again playing over the end credits after this episode. In this case, it felt like Claire was again the, “Lass that was gone” – After being raped, she’ll never be the same again. Overall, I thought the episode was well written and symbolically and historically rich. Acting was ace. But this particular storyline is a terrible part of Outlander for a lot of reasons and something I always felt was detrimental to the overall story. I did like how tender the final scene of Jamie and Claire in bed was (even though using sex as a way to heal from sexual violence again – see To Ransom A Man’s Soul – is… complicated) and the inclusion of the famous last line, with Jamie finding the bit of humor in his comment that if he doesn’t say I love you, it’s because he didn’t have time.
J. La’Shay (@Endurance97) – I DID notice the lack of the title sequence. I wasn’t glued to the screen while watching this episode. I kept checking the time and I honestly thought we were still gonna get another hour of the show – I thought it was an extended finale. But once I heard Jamie’s iconic line, I realized that wasn’t going to happen. My overall thoughts for Season 5 is one of disappointment. Season 5 wasn’t as bad as Season 4, but I think it was sadly made clear to me that we will not return to the Outlander of Seasons 1, 2 and the first half of Season 3. I think this crew has lost the plot; pun intended. I think they’ve lost the essence of the characters that made Outlander so inviting. They’ve lost the grittiness that made Outlander so intense. I’m sad to say that I don’t recognize this show anymore.
Lynsey (@itslynseyj) – Same! With the way last episode ended, we needed to dive right in. This episode was sooo well done. I can’t quite say it was a favorite because of what happens, but it was definitely one of the very best of the season. As a longtime fan, I loved seeing so many callbacks to earlier seasons. I’m so very happy that Matt and Toni wrote this episode, and I’d like to nominate them to write every episode from now on. Who’s with me??
Meg (@Somm_Bitch) – I love the song so much I kept waiting for it, but it was so powerful that they didn’t do it- and then it was stripped down and bare at the end. Kind of like all of us.
Emily Susan (@beyondthestack1) – Series 5 is my favorite in a long time. I would say it’s close with Series 1 for me. There were a few clunkers but I loved how they got back to what truly makes this show so special. The acting has been phenomenal and I loved how so many episodes took risks to let certain stories from the books come alive.

8. You knew we were going to make you: Give us all your season 6 predictions here! (Warning for non-book readers- Possible spoilers inside!)
Radha (@Baaderlander) – On to the Revolutionary War, I suppose, finally.
J. La’Shay (@Endurance97) – Usually, I can look to the next book in the series and have an idea of what is coming. With the way they chopped up A Breath of Snow and Ashes to beef up this season of The Fiery Cross, and also the obvious disinterest in character development by the writers, I think next season will be a series of episodes with no connecting theme. So, we’ll see the Christies, we’ll see the Beardleys, we’ll see Marsali’s and Fergus’ youngest child. Also, since they introduced it this season, next season, we’ll get the writers’ version of what happened with Ian’s wife.
Lynsey (@itslynseyj) – OK, where to start? You know the Browns are going to come back for their own revenge, and Jamie will be ready for them. Masali will have given birth by then, so there will be a new babe. We’re going to finally hear more about Ian’s Mohawk past. He teased us too much this season. Oh, and you know that Wendigo, the American Indian from the future, is going to make another appearance. He got away too easily! Roger is going to find his rightful place within the family and a role that he can be proud of. I know LJG went back to London, but *fingers crossed* he comes back. And finally, I think the Revolutionary War will kick off in a big way.
Meg (@Somm_Bitch) – I feel bad guessing since I’ve read the books- then again, we’ve learned that doesn’t count for a whole hell of a lot.I’m looking forward to Bree and Roger having another baby. I’m worried that Marsali is going to think having a dwarf baby is punishment for what she did to Lionel Brown. I’m excited to see if Roger is going to follow his interest in becoming a minister now, the dynamic between him and Jamie (Presbyterian vs Catholic) is always fun.
Emily Susan (@beyondthestack1) – Whoosh, that’s super hard right now with my mind still on this season. I do think they’re going to combine elements of book 6 and 7. Personally, I want there to be more for Marsali and Fergus to do next season. I am super interested in Ian’s story and hope we see more of the Mohawk again. How will Jamie and Claire continue to recover from this ordeal and keep their home safe from the growing threats of war?

Final Verdict: “Never My Love” is a controversial Outlander finale, but ultimately an acting triumph for Balfe
It’s not a surprise that “Never My Love” is controversial, and boy was our Roundtable up and down about it. The source material has always been controversial. Outlander (the show and the books) haven’t been shy about using sexual violence as plot point. Critics of the show might say it falls back on it too much. Critics of those people reply that sexual violence happened back then so the show is being “realistic” (some of those same people apparently only want the show to be escapist entertainment, but… never mind that). We’d be happy with somewhere in the middle. While we don’t necessarily always want Outlander to stray to far from the source material, when there is a surfeit of sexual violence, a little editing wouldn’t come amiss. That they chose to air it on Mother’s Day (remember that one week break?) is mystifying.
Did Claire need to be gang raped? Did we need to see her raped more than once? Once they’ve beaten and torn her clothes, we get the picture. At least the production staff have responsibly put trigger warnings all over the episode. Even we had to look away several times. Realistic? Sure. But did it need to be that realistic? We don’t love wincing and looking away while we watch TV. The episode was also one of the shortest this season. If you’re going to beat the hell out of your leading lady for a half hour, at least give her a few more scenes to deal with her abduction. Claire got a bathtub scene, one freakout where she claims having lived through several wars so she should be stronger, and a breakdown on the stairs after her after being taunted by Lionel Brown. Another scene with Brianna wouldn’t have come amiss.
While we enjoyed the fake out of Bree & Roger making it back to Fraser’s Ridge and finally deciding it was home, we think it’s a little strange that it sort of negated the entire penultimate episode. That’s a lot of episode to spend on what was essentially , “Got ya!” If they had focused a little more on the family, and how they interacted with and needed each other across generations, we would have both this a little more. It needed more development.
The episode’s saving grace were magnificent performances. Caitriona Balfe gives a performance in this episode that says, “Remember me? I’m an Emmy nominee.” She’s flat out stunning here. Her face, tells a thousand stories with just a look. Remember when Matt B. Roberts said that you couldn’t tell what a character was thinking with a look? Balfe disagrees this entire episode. With every look, every head tilt, every sound, she gives a tour de force that you can’t help feel empathy for. She’s stunning and deserves every accolade she gets.
The other brilliant performance this week comes from Lauren Lyle. Lyle was far and away the MVP of season 5 of Outlander. The best decision production made all season was beefing up Marsali’s role. Lyle is savage and merciless, but she really shines in the aftermath of what she’s done with Jamie. Her shock and fear are palpable. Marsali is also responsible for another beautiful moment of pathos when Claire is returned to the Ridge. Seeing Claire with her two daughters, one of her blood, one of her heart, was one of the most emotional moments of the episode.
Despite Outlander being loosely connected to the fantasy genre, “Never My Love” isn’t usually so atmospheric. The out of focus lens, the shots with Jamie as though they’re through rain, the pullback with Claire after the policemen come to the door all lent an otherworldly quality. While it was cool, sometimes we just don’t know if even Outlander knows what kind of show it wants to be. Nevertheless, we thought the choice to dissociate with Claire somewhere else was a really smart decision. We couldn’t have taken much more of abused & raped Claire. We think these scenes could have been even stronger had there been other cast embers brought back for the short stint (despite knowing it’s expensive and unrealistic).
The nods to earlier seasons within the 60’s scenes were also fun (though in the spirit of full disclosure we had ask other people and look most of them up). The strongest of these was the orange Claire was given after her “payment” with her own body to King Louis of France from season 2. The weakest was probably the toy dragonfly. A toy dragonfly? Really?
Overall, it was a good, if traumatizing, episode to finish the season. If we were to speculate, we’d say we haven’t seen the last of the folks from Brownsville. With Revolution looming, pressure is going to come in on the Frasers from all sides. Roger, still the freshest fish out of water is going to need something to do (plus we’ve read the books and know he’s going to go looking for his calling). And we’re counting on heaps of new characters! See you in over a year, Outlander fans! We’re off to go listen to “Never My Love” by Association a hundred more times, because we aren’t sure we heard it enough this episode.